Thursday, August 19, 2010

100th post Bonanza!

And by bonanza, I mean the standard video.  Woot?

The good news is that I've started to pick up on a verbal tic I have that's rather annoying.  The good news being that I found it, not that it's annoying.  Luckily, it's pretty easy to edit out, but I apparently didn't do a very good job of it on this video.  Can you spot the easily editable verbal tic?


  1. This happened recently at an intern event; everyone burst out spontaneously singing Hakuna Matata. Then the DJ fixed his speakers and they went back to dancing to annoying club music. I don't know whether this demonstrates that Disney singers aren't necessarily good or that club-dancing people aren't necessarily bad.

    I have absolutely no idea what the tic is.

  2. The side of your mouth curves up? Like at 0:08? You did it on the right there, but usually the left side of your mouth goes up. You don't do it too much...

    You shouldn't have asked us to look for the tic, because you might get answers that you don't want.

  3. I'm curious. Since you've been doing this whole vlogging thing, have you noticed a change in your patterns of speech in normal conversation?

    Also, you should post some more videos. I'm just sayin'. I'm not SAYIN' anything.
