Thursday, July 15, 2010

The End of an Era

Okay, I came to a realization today.  A multi-part, rather verbose revelation.

1) Putting myself on a daily blogging schedule/midnight deadline is really cutting down my quality.
2) I'm involved enough in my blogging/vlogging now that removing the one-a-day limitation is NOT going to cause me to go into a slippery spiral of not posting anymore.
3) When I write blogs, I am now starting to see them as vlogs in my head.   This is because, as I have been told, I write like I talk.  I can't script, but I can blog.  I SEE A SOLUTION.

In combination, this tells me that many of the blog entries I write from now on are going to be turned into vlogs.  I'm not going to stop blogging - not by a long shot - but there's going to be a shift.  This shift includes no more one-a-day blogs, at least not in an enforced manner.  Midnight deadlines will be flouted.  Time will be spent planning and editing blogs and vlogs.  Quality will increase.  And everyone will be happier (honestly, how many of you wanted to read something by me EVERY SINGLE DAY?  It's a little overwhelming).

Thank you all for supporting me thus far.  I hope you'll all stick with me through the transition.  I really look forward to what comes next - I have been planning it since at least April, after all.



  1. Is this evidence of flexibility?
    Of cutting oneself some slack?
    I look forward to vlogs or blogs done at your whim and leisure, just for enjoyment.


  2. Quality >> quantity, I approve of the decision. I assume you'll still be posting here, right, and I don't have to go figure out how to work YouTube subscription thingies?
