Sunday, June 6, 2010

Sea World is a Ninja

Apparently, theme parks can be stealthy and pop up where you least expect them.

On a separate note, I was asked by a friend if she was allowed to plug my blog. I thought I'd made it obvious before, but the answer is YES. This is not meant to be a private blog. If it does just turn out to be for my friends, that's fine. But I love to entertain people, and I would like as many people to read my blog as the internet allows. I just wanted to clarify that point.

Update: Apparently spending an extra hour on HD processing does nothing to bring the video back up to its original quality. Never. Again.


  1. Okay, so first of all:

    A. Disney World is the "Happiest Place on Earth". Don't make me come back to Claremont and smack you.

    B. If your San Diego experience was like finding an Amusement Park with its pants down would I be correct in saying that your basic metaphor in this vlog is that regardless of whether or not there's that "removed from your surroundings" sense of feeling to a theme park it's still enjoyable because you still get to fondle it's cock, but with the stealthy ninja parks, like Sea World, you don't get the enjoyment of disrobing said metaphorical anthropomorphic theme park?

    C. Sarah and I went to this Shakespeare festival at an outdoor theatre in Redlands. Usually outdoor theatre Shakespeare Festivals are in big parks with amphitheaters. This one was in an amphitheater, but it was in the middle of a residential neighborhood. Weirdest thing I ever saw. Sarah and I got hella lost because we refused to believe a Shakespeare play was occurring in the middle of a residential neighborhood. Vicki had to google map it before we believed her.

    P.S. What's the AACP rating of your blog? Should I not say cock or discuss the fondling of said cocks?
    P.P.S Cock cock cock cock


    ...nothing inappropriate about cocks...

