Wednesday, June 30, 2010

The Times I Know I am a College Student Part 3: What a college party should be

My life has continued to go well recently.  Last night, for the first time, I experienced what I consider to be a nearly ideal college party.  There were between 10 and 15 total people in a common room of a suite.  The first order of business was a quick round of four-player Bomberman 64 (something I have dreamed of doing since childhood - I only have two controllers at home) while people were still arriving.  Then, once almost everyone had arrived, it was beer pong time.  I was a little nervous about that because I don't drink and had never seen much of beer pong before, so I thought that I would end up left out in a room full of loud, drunk people.  Not so.  Apparently about half of the people there didn't drink either and the game was a very laid-back two vs. two match.  It was actually quite fun to watch with all of my non-drinking comrades, and it took so long that no one got hammered.

So after beer pong, what then?  Why, what else but charades?  No seriously, the party went straight from beer pong from charades.  I can't make this stuff up.  But it was fun.  I had to act out Apocalypse Now really early on, and it would have taken hours if my roommate wasn't psychic or something.  I gave as good as I got though, with Zardoz, Manos the Hands of Fate, and Hercules.  Other memorable ones were A Scanner Darkly and Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas (both of which were surprisingly easy).  Everyone was legitimately having fun playing charades at this party.  It was strange but wonderful.

The night ended with about ten of us (including two random people from the suite who joined in sometime during charades) sitting around swapping riddles.  At that point it was 1:00 or 2:00 in the morning so everything was absolutely hilarious.  The party finally ended at 3:00 in the morning.  Did I have work the next day?  Yes.  Do I regret it?  No.  I'd gotten plenty of sleep for two nights before and I strive to live well when I get the opportunity.  That party was a rare gem that I was not going to toss away before its time.

I feel it is important to note at this point that the people I was hanging out with weren't all recluses like I am.  The two random guys from the suite looked like they had probably seen their share of pretty wild parties.  No one really expected the party to go the way it did, but everyone had fun.  That really was my ideal college party.  The people who wanted to drink got some beer from the beer pong but they didn't actually get drunk (at least not enough for there to be problems), no one who didn't want to drink got pressured to or felt left out because they didn't, everyone got to know each other better, and there was a real whole-group dynamic (by which I mean there weren't small groups of people all doing their own thing).  It was great and I hope I get to experience that again before I graduate.  I really love this little group of summer friends I'm growing.

Now I'm off to a midnight showing of The Last Airbender.  This is probably a very bad life decision in many ways (I really don't need two late nights in a row and it's supposed to be a terrible movie), but I'll be going with a group of cool people, so there's only so bad it can be.  Allons-y!

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