Saturday, May 8, 2010


Getting a job sucks for one major reason: always having to fill out one of those tax withholding/exemption forms. Every time they make me feel stupid.  The form just sits there, staring at you, saying "Any dummy could read me!  What's wrong with you?"  

The thing is, the form is written in some language that you know has to be English because the words and grammar are all familiar and seemingly correct, but they've all been put together in ways that don't make sense and do weird things like change "dependent" from an adjective to a noun (which you know is technically correct but still bugs you on some deep level).  And you fight through the form, furiously struggling to translate the whole way, but when you finally feel like you're getting a hang of this strange dialect they throw a sentence or a word at you like you're supposed to know what it means but you're scared that you're going to translate it wrong and have the IRS come down on your head like the flying monkeys from the Wizard of Oz.  But then you notice that there's a decoder ring disguised as small-font text in the upper left corner of the paper but you're scared to use it because you just know that all it's going to tell you is "BE SURE TO DRINK YOUR OVALTINE."  So then you look at the column where all of your zeros and ones are supposed to go and you think, "Maybe if I just fill that column with 42 in binary then it will all turn out all right."  But you know it won't so you keep decoding and praying until you finally either finish in exhaustion or crack under the pressure.

So yeah.  Not a big fan of those forms.

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