Sunday, May 23, 2010

A History of Social Awkwardness #2: The Boston Tree Party

Disclaimer: this post actually has nothing to do with Boston.  I apologize to any native Bostonians who may read this.  

I don't know what impression I tend to give, but at heart I'm really a very shy person.  This trait becomes especially apparent at parties.

When I was a freshman at college, the first week of classes was filled with parties for freshman to get to know each other.  One party was outdoors at a place I didn't know very well.  It was a nice night, the party was going well, and there were nice trees around for scenery.  I was pretty happy.  There was only one problem.  This isn't true for most of the world, but for me, going into a crowd at a dance party and meeting new people is about as likely to happen as going up to an Orc to ask for a cup of sugar.

Not going to happen.

Instead, I decided to go examine the trees.  I found a cool line of ants walking up and down the tree and examined their paths.  I examined their paths more intently than I really wanted to, actually, mostly because I wanted someone to notice.  



My attempts at gaining people's attention by thinking at them VERY LOUDLY only worked a little.  One or two people walked by, asked what I was looking at, and then immediately figured out that I was a few Roswells more strange than they wanted to deal with and moved on.  I met no one and went home a little more informed about ants and a little less socially competent.  

Today's lesson: People are less aware of you than you think.  Standing around and waiting for someone to talk to you is a strategy with a high rate of failure.  Don't do what Trope Girl did.  

Orc photo from


  1. Oh Julia, it's just that the type of people you want to attract (as friends, I mean) don't go to parties. If I had been at the party (and I think I went to maybe one party that whole week, and then only for half an hour and it was because I'd promised my mother) I would have 1) noticed you being antisocial and been intrigued 2) asked what you were doing and probably been intrigued by the nature-linked discoveries you were making and 3) decided we should be friends. Thank God AISS brought us together without me having to go to a lame old college party :)

  2. Oh man! The Luau? That party was HELLA awkward, for everyone. Rumor has it, that it's the most awkward party of the entire year every year.

    Btws, do you have any idea how much sugar orcs consume? How do you think their teeth get so rotted?! Such bad dental hygiene, it's despicable!
