Thursday, May 27, 2010

Bubble Girl

Something strange happened to me recently.

I became the sole resident of a self-contained world.

That statement might seem like an exaggeration, and in some ways it is, but the basic truth of it stands.  A few days back, on a day when I didn't have work, I found that until my friend summoned me from my habitat to go food shopping, I was doing all my living from three rooms.  Dorm rooms during the school year are already strange places where one not only sleeps and dresses but also does work.  Now I find that my room is also where I store all the food I need to survive, not just occasional snacks.  My food lives on my dresser, on my shelf, and in my refrigerator.  I pack lunches on the unoccupied desk across the room.  The only times I need to leave my room even within my suite are when I need to cook something on the stove or in the microwave in the main room or when I need to do a sink-or-bathroom related activity in the bathroom across the hall.  That's it.  Everything I need is within ten steps of my room.  I could live entire weekends without going more than 15 or 20 feet from my room door.  Entire weeks, if I didn't have to buy food or go to work.  Luckily, I have a friend who I eat dinner with some nights, but the fact of the matter is that other than work, 90% of my interactions with the outside world happen through the internet.

A few months ago a friend of mine who graduated college went through much the same thing, at least in terms of sudden social isolation (I don't know if he stored food on top of his dresser).  I find that I understand what he went through a little better now.

The only things keeping me tied down to sanity right now are this blog (which eats up a fair chunk of time, let me tell you) and the hope of getting my video series launched.  Unfortunately, both are starting to pull me down more than I'd like - the stress of getting a decent blog entry up every single day is more than I'd like to admit, particularly now that they are becoming increasingly MS Paint heavy.  This last week I haven't been able to make them as good as I would like, and I think it shows.  The first week of work is always kind of a shock to the system.  I promise that tomorrow I will do my best to break the slump and get something legitimately funny posted again.

The vlog is also a problem.  Long hours of work and tutoring mean that I have made almost no progress on that front, and I feel that the longer I go before I get the ball rolling the less likely it is that it will ever start.  I'm not going to let this opportunity pass, though.  This weekend I will get a script done, if not filming.  Hold me to this, readers.  I'm going to shatter this bubble I find myself in, even if it is only virtually.  Let's rock and roll!


  1. Julia! You are not alone because of faithful readers! And aren't you glad for the internet? Otherwise you'd really be trapped in a bubble...

  2. Personally, I loved the week of this blog.
    ps. I know who you are.
    PPPS for a hint, here's the second part of the nickname you gave me: _ _ _ - AX
    though perhaps you spell it _ _ _ - AXE
    I think it's the first.

  3. Trope Girl:

    You need to get out. Walk around. Smell a rose. Commune with nature. Take a bus to Disneyland. Go to Sam's Club. Ride a bike.

    No more staying your room gotta get out...into the non-dorm-world...

