Friday, May 7, 2010

Chillin' really is a McVillain

All right, I'm exhausted, so nothing fancy today.  I'll try to make up for it tomorrow, I have some ideas.  Until then, a report on the most EVIL SUPERVILLAIN OF THE MALL!

(I originally meant to type "THEM ALL", but I liked the typo too much.  I woke up at 7:30 this morning after 4.5 hours of yeah.)

After my previous post about ceiling Nerf darts, one of the darts went missing.  It turns out that Chillin' "accidentally" got it stuck in her shirt somewhere and didn't notice until she had "accidentally" flushed it down the toilet.  A LIKELY STORY.

Anyway, this blog will from now on consider Chillin to be the evil Dr. Horrible to my heroic Captain Hammer.  Wait a minute...

1 comment:

  1. Isn't writing honest apologies supposed to make things better?!? Instead, this is how I am treated... I shall now create dastardly plans to avenge my honor!! Meeeheeheeheeeee. (Although that requires planning, which I really don't feel like doing. Hm. Also, PS, I like that typo too.)
