Sunday, May 9, 2010

I'm confusing chemistry students! Yay!

I need to start studying for finals, so I'm going to push back the Mt. St. Helens story for a day or two (it's going to require a bit of work on MS Paint).  Instead, I'm going to talk a little about what Google Analytics is telling me about confused chemistry students.

A few days ago, I got my first visitor from a search engine.  They searched "methylethylaldehyde", clicked on the blog, and then exited almost instantaneously.  I got another search engine hit later from the same search term, but the person stuck around for a while.  The first hit was a new visitor, the second hit wasn't.  Here's my hypothesis: a confused chemistry student searches for a non-existent molecule, comes to my blog looking for answers, and then finds out that the blog title has nothing to do with what he/she searches for.  Then later, either a) that person does another Google search and comes back because they want to know why anybody would name a blog after a fictional molecule or b) someone who has been here before decided to Google search the blog.  Heck, that might have even been me, but I can't remember.

The more interesting one was getting another instant-leave hit from a Google search, but this time from someone searching for "2 methyl ethyl aldehyde".  Not only is that just wrong, but it practically guarantees that a misguided chemistry student was trying to check a molecule name.  They were probably trying to name the following structure:


Where ever you are, poor chemistry students, good luck.  I feel your pain.

I hope that at least someone thought all of this was at least mildly amusing.  No?  Okay.  Back to crazy stories from my childhood soon.

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