Monday, May 17, 2010

Apparently beheading isn't that bad.

I had a strange dream last night.  I've forgotten the bulk of it, but all I know is that at some point, I died.  I think possibly through beheading - that feels like it was a pretty big theme.  I felt the life leave my body, but then woke up in a nearly identical one somewhere else.  In context of the dream, it was like reincarnation hybridized with Quantum Leap (from what I know of that show).  Each time I died I woke in a different body.  The first was a girl who looked exactly like me, the second a young boy, the third a teenage boy.  Each time I woke, the most urgent thought in my head was the hope that I had reincarnated near the time of my death so that I could find my parents and let them know that I was okay.  I never did find them before I woke up.

The most interesting part of the dream came in my first reincarnated body when I saw a whole army lead by someone who I think looked like Russell Crowe demolish an entire city before he got there just so that he could dramatically run straight to the king from the beach with no hindrance.  As his executioner lifted up the blade to behead the king, I knelt down on the ground as well, suddenly understanding that the king and I were linked and that a blade to his neck would sever mine as well.  I felt no pain as the sword struck my/his neck, but as I lay there on the beach with the life bleeding out of me, my last thoughts in the comfortable warmth of death (I was sleeping in a warm bed in real life) were how good this body had been to me all my life (somehow it didn't matter that it was actually just an identical body to the first) and how much I would miss it.  I thanked the body, felt the last of its life leave it, and then jumped to the next one.

Somehow I don't think that a creepy dream should count as the daily post.  I'll try to get something funnier/more interesting up later.


  1. Gaaah decapitation freaks me out... but interesting dream, nonetheless.

  2. I'm not sure if my comment showed up the first time; sorry if this is a double post.

    This comment has nothing to do with your entry. I think you should do an MSDS of methyl ethyl aldehyde, because it would be hilarious! At least to me. :D
