Tuesday, May 18, 2010

The short version is that I cannot be trusted around food.

As some of you may know, I have a strong mischievous streak in me, though it has (un)fortunately been suppressed slightly as of late.  When I was younger, though, it was something that was very clear to everyone around me.

My best friend threw a party at her house one day.  I think that there were about 15 to 20 people there, about half of whom I knew.  We were all just hanging out having a good time when I suddenly got bored in a way that is dangerous for everyone around me.  I went upstairs with another friend, a girl a few years younger than me, then we came back down about ten minutes later with a surprise for everyone.


Who wouldn't trust such innocent faces like that?

Apparently, almost everybody.  Everyone who knew me had, by the looks on their faces, pretty clearly decided not to touch those marshmallows with a ten foot pole.  Some people who didn't know me but who were observant of the first group's reactions also decided to decline the treats.  But a couple of teenage boys, bless their souls, were oblivious to everything but their stomachs.  Everyone else watched with bated breath as the boys reached for the sugar bombs on the tray.


The audience wasn't disappointed.


It was true that the tray held marshmallows covered in syrup; however, my associate and I had loaded the syrup up with salt.  Tasty.  After all this time I've forgotten who those boys were, but I wouldn't be surprised if they involuntarily shuddered upon meeting me again.


  1. I recently discovered that Lindt makes dark chocolate laced with sea salt (http://bit.ly/GO0rW). Not only is it delicious, but no one other than me wants to eat it.

    Mmm, salt.

  2. I like the fact that the guys do not seem to be wearing any clothes. You, on the other hand, have a lovely green shirt and some blue jeans, while your accomplice is like the Sister Berenstein Bear of Minnie Mouse - if that makes any sense whatsoever.
