Wednesday, May 19, 2010

What is means to chose a college

When I was picking what college I was going to attend, I came to a realization which has shaped my attitude toward life ever since.  I realized in my deliberations between the two finalist colleges that what I was choosing was not the college that would be best for me, but who I wanted to become.  It is true that people should apply to colleges where they think they would be happy, but once they have been accepted, the final decision should be based on the type of person a student wants to become.  For example, if someone is choosing between a college that specializes in athletics and parties and a college that is more quiet and academically based, they are essentially choosing the person that they want to evolve into over the course of their college career.  Even more subtle differences, such as the presence or absence of a ballroom team, exert their influence on a person.

For me, this ultimately became a choice between two colleges of generally equal academic merit - one with more diverse academics and more high-profile local events, the other with a better chance of a social life and dating.  I chose the former, knowing that I was choosing to put myself in an environment where I would have more opportunities to become a well-rounded person in every way except dating.  As far as I know, this has played out pretty accurately.  In fact, I couldn't even imagine going to the other college now.  But that's the point - I couldn't have.  The person I am now is a product of the experiences I have had in college.  A different person would have emerged from the other college I would have chosen.  She could not have attended the college I have.  I know that's all a bit fuzzy - but it's how I think.

An environment is not the sole determining factor in shaping a person.  Some people have totally surpassed or missed the opportunities or detriments present in their environment to become an unexpected person.  However, choosing an environment will change you in some way.  Make sure you play the odds as best you can to become the person you think you should be.

Note: Apologies for any grammatical problems and the rampant use of the word "environment".  I'm writing this very quickly to meet the deadline and I'm not very awake right now.  I'll hopefully be back with the funny illustrations tomorrow.  At least, I hope they're funny.

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