Tuesday, May 25, 2010

The Zombie War Escort Mission Part 2: (Artificial) Intelligence

If you haven't read part 1 yet, either scroll down or click here.  

The resistance finally arrived to liberate us.  We opened the door to discuss strategy with them and found out that for some reason the zombies had left their post.  I was excited to see that the group sent to rescue me included the two friends I knew who were in the resistance.  One of my friends was carrying this style of gun:

For those of you who have been reading since the beginning, this is the gun I have mentioned before.  I liked my friend's so much that I later bought this one for myself in preparation for the ultimate battle described here.  

This gun, however, was far from the biggest or most impressive.  Some people were carrying fully automatic Nerf guns.  That's gun power.

From this point on, my group and I were referred to as "the package".  We were to be protected at all costs.  As I mentioned previously, if one of us got bitten, all of us became zombies.  It was then that I realized what I was.  I was Ashley from Resident Evil 4 - a huge liability and a zombie magnet.  I was the dreaded escort mission that all gamers must eventually face.  I comforted myself with the thought that I at least I probably had better AI than Ashley did.

The group swarmed around us as we left the building.  We moved as quickly and silently as possible - the package doing our best to stay in the middle of the pack, the resistance doing their best to cover all sides.

Zombie howls filled the air almost immediately.  We couldn't run without running the risk of exposing the package to zombie assault, so our speed was stunted.  We were only saved by the apparent stupidity, cowardice, or ignorance of the zombies - they didn't even try to attack us.

We kept moving through the dark fields and roads of the college.  Every bush was suspected of secluding zombies.  Then we saw the parking lot.

I don't know how many of you have ever looked at a parking lot the way I saw it that night.  It was terrifying.  Every car presented the perfect hiding spot for a zombie.  Not only that, but we clearly heard zombies coming from the direction we had to move toward if we wanted to escape.  We all flattened ourselves behind the cars and waited for them to pass, hoping that they hadn't seen us.  It was no good.  The zombies were still out there.  Staying in place guaranteed our doom.  We had to run.

To be continued...