Saturday, May 15, 2010

Ice Ice Baby

Well, I was going to subject you to parody lyrics of Ice Ice Baby, but I figure trying to do that with my brain as deep-fried as it is right now would be a bad idea for all involved.  Warning: there may be coherency problems ahead.  3.5 hours of sleep after several other low-sleep nights will do that.

Anyway, to get to the main point of the thing, I was flying home from college today when I noticed the stewardesses travelling through the aisle and dispensing drinks, adding ice to the cups with the water and soda.  I was then overwhelmed with appreciation for how awesome it is that we have the ability to create and store ice at will.  Really, think about how cool that is.  Back in the pioneer days, when the pioneers weren't break-dancing to catch a ride from a guy driving a giant rock, they could only get ice in the winter when it snowed.  We take it for granted, but ice is awesome.

In the middle of this thought process, I realized something.  I was thinking about how incredibly awesome readily-available ice is while I was flying through the air at hundreds of miles an hour in a metal flying machine.  Believe it or not, I was actually still more impressed by the ice at the time.  

With regards to the airplane, it's weird what people take for granted.    Just think about all the things you use all the time that people just a hundred years ago, or even fifty or fewer years ago, would have thought impossible to have at this time.  I think I'm going to talk about that a little more tomorrow - even within our lives there have been some pretty substantial changes.  

Now I'm off to sleep for about 12 hours.  No alarm set - that's going to be a very nice change after all these weeks.  

Edit: Just remembered there is a new Doctor Who episode out that looks to be really awesome.  I wish I was awake enough to watch it now!

1 comment:

  1. Running water gets me every time I think of being grateful for modern marvels, particularly hot water. I think I was really tired after finals last semester. I came home and took a bath. I sat for about five minutes just looking at the water and fiddling with the temperature.
    I kept thinking how lucky we are to live in the lap of luxury. I can sit in a tub and change that stream of water from cold to hot to a mixture of the two. It is absolutely incredible.

    In an unrelated comment, if Waterbenders can turn ice into water, and also command fog, you'd think they'd be able to make water boil. Firebenders don't have a monopoly on heat.
