Thursday, May 20, 2010

"I'm having a really hard time naming this post," Trope Girl said titularly.

Some of my friends are going to kill me for bringing this topic up, but I am the daughter of a woman who makes puns constantly - it's kind of in my blood.  Today's topic is Tom Swifties.  I suppose the best way to explain what these are is to give a few examples (courtesy of Wikipedia):

  • "They had to amputate them both at the ankles," Tom said defeatedly.
  • "Who discovered radium?" asked Marie curiously..
  • "Who put the moss in the bog again?" asked Tom repeatedly.
  • "A word that contains all five vowels? And I suppose you want those vowels to appear in alphabetical order?" asked Tom facetiously.
  • "The robber is coming down the stairs", Tom said condescendingly.
  • "Nnnn", Tom murmured forensically.

So, as you've probably gleaned, Tom Swifties are a specific type of pun in which someone says a sentence and the sentence is described with a pun.  They were originally inspired by the Tom Swift books in which no one ever just said anything, they always spoke with an descriptive flair.

Anyway, a few summers back my friends introduced me to Tom Swifties while we were on a trip together.  They quickly regretted this decision.  Here's some of what was produced then*:

“Stop throwing trash out of your car,” the cop said literally, and Tom refused.
              -Me, Nia, and one other
“Man overboard!” Tom said swimmingly.
“Your toupee fell off,” Tom said baldly.
“I’m all for cow rights,” Tom said provocatively.  [This is my favorite.  Hint: Spanish is required.]
“I fail,” Tom said saucily.  [This one expects that "failsauce" is part of your vocabulary.  If it isn't already, make it so.]
“I have the queen of spades,” Tom said heartily.
“I’ve tried every way to get to sleep,” Tom said sheepishly.
“I’ve cleared the lawn of leaves,” Tom said rakishly.
“I’m tired of digging,” Tom said trenchantly.
“Ms. Little’s here,” Tom said in a small voice.
              -Me and Nia
“What’s the antiderivative of sec2?” Tom said tangentially.
“I’m menstruating,” Tina said periodically.
“I have a turtle,” Tom said awkwardly.
“That brush hit me really hard,” Trope Girl said bruisingly.
“I’ve lost my flashlight,” Tom said darkly.
“I’m a believer,” Tom said faithfully.
“Hi!” Tom said loftily.
              -Dreamwaffles and/or me
“Put some more hemlock in the pot,” Tom said deadpan.
              - U-dawg
“I love semaphore!” Tom said unflaggingly.
*Credit to Dreamwaffles for transcribing these.
If you want to know more about Tom Swifties, you can visit the Wikipedia page.  For a more fun use of your time, read Sleeping Freshmen Never Lie by David Lubar, a very funny book about a high school student which includes many well-done Tom Swifties.  

["I don't know how to end this blog post," Trope Girl said terminally.]

Note: yes, the font and format went a little screwy, but I don't know how to fix it without a lot of work.


  1. Oooh. Cool! - Chillin' McVillain said icily? :D

  2. I love you so much.


  3. Alas...I fear it is genetic.

